go explore america

work & travel in america

au pair in america

As an au pair in America, you’ll get to experience the culture first hand – living with and working for an American host family. You will make life-long friends, develop a lasting bond with your host family and create some unforgettable memories.  

the basics

300+ hours
childcare experience


private room
and full board


12 month


max 45 hour

what you’ll get

private room
and full board


return flights
+ insurance


minimum weekly


local koego
partner support

• Private room in your host family’s home
• Full board, including 3 meals a day
• Support from our local partner agency, including activities and events
• 4-5 day orientation course in New York
• Return flights (ex. Auckland or Christchurch)
• Insurance
• Educational courses (up to $500USD)
• Minimum weekly stipend of $195.75USD



The U.S. Department of State calculation of the minimum weekly stipend of $195.75 is based on the federal minimum wage with a 40% deduction for room and board in exchange for childcare services. Host families and au pairs are free to agree to compensation higher than the legally applicable minimum.

what does it cost?

Admin Fee $99
• Matching Fee $
• Placement Fee $



All prices are in New Zealand Dollars

can I go?

years old

full drivers

high school

at least 300 hours
childcare experience

you’ll need the below documents, but we’re here to help

• Police Check
• Valid passport
• Full drivers license
• Two childcare references and one character reference
• Medical report completed by your GP
• 10 pictures and introductory video
• High school graduation certificate and copies of any other relevant qualifications/certificates

visa information

You will be applying for the J-1 Visa. Your application will be sponsored by our American partner agency. 

Once you are matched with a host family we will send you your sponsorship papers and visa application forms.

The US Consulate requires all applicants for J1 Visas to be interviewed in Auckland.  


If you aren’t ready for the adventure to end, your 12 month J-1 Visa can be extended for 6, 9 or 12 months after you have been in America for 9 months.