go explore germany

work & travel in germany

au pair in germany

Germany has vibrant cities with amazing architecture, fabulous shopping and an intense night life. From the mountains of Bavaria to the historical Rhine Valley (dotted with more castles than any other river in the world) – Germany is an incredibly diverse country. Also known as the Das Land der Dichterund Denker (the land of poets and thinkers), Germany is a cultural and artistic paradise.  

the basics

200+ hour
childcare experience


private room
and full board


6-12 month


max 30 hour

what you’ll get

private room
and full board


return flights
+ insurance


pocket money


local koego
partner support

• Private room in your host family’s home
• Full board, including 3 meals a day
• Support from our local partner agency, including activities and events
• Monthly pocket money of 260EUR (plus additional 90EUR towards language course)
• Return flights (12-month placement only)
• Insurance
• Free local public transport pass

what does it cost?

Admin Fee $99
• Matching Fee $
• Placement Fee $
• Flights for 6-11 month placement
(host family will cover flights for 12 month placements)



All prices are in New Zealand Dollars

can I go?

years old

full drivers
license preferred

basic German language skills

at least 200 hours
childcare experience

you’ll need the below documents, but we’re here to help

• Police Check
• Valid passport
• A1 German language certificate
• Full drivers license (preferred but not essential)
• Two childcare references and one character reference
• Medical report completed by your GP
• 5 pictures
• High school graduation certificate and copies of any other relevant qualifications/certificates

visa information

You’ll arrive into Germany on a tourist visa and immediately apply for an Au Pair visa. Your host family will cover the cost of this. As part of your visa application, you will need to provide an official A1 German language certificate. 


To fulfil the conditions of your visa, you’ll attend German language courses during your placement. Your host family contribute 90EUR per month towards the cost of these.